Thursday, October 26, 2006

After pondering over ways to make this place more interesting and interactive, I have finally decided to incorporate some music. Now this brings a problem. You see, I think those sites which have music played automatically are damn irritating. How often do u eagerly click onto someone's blog, and then some ridiculous music starts playing, prompting you to either

1) set the volume to mute
2) close that page immediately and leave the site
3) start cursing about the poor taste in music
4) more than 1 of the above

I shall not name specific blogs, and no disrespect to the owners of these auto-music blogs, but these blogs are just pure crap and irritating, and the authors probably not that far off too. Taking this into consideration, I therefore decided not to have music played automatically the moment this page is loaded for these 2 reasons:

1) it takes so much longer for the page to load, when the music has to come on to
2) the 4 reasons already given above

Now, having decided on the direction I wanted to go, I faced another problem. How do I come up with those funny html codes to insert into the site template? For the majority out there, I am literally an html dork, so I spent some 1 hr plus, combing through the internet for relevant sites to refer to. Finally, I found something decent, and the end product is here for all to see .... and hear.

To the right of this column, you will probably see my face. Below that, you will see something that vaguely resembles a music player. Well, click on it if you feel for some cool sentimental music. But hey, if you prefer some serenity, feel free to simply avoid touching that player. But personally, whether or not the music is on, the atmosphere is still tranquil and serene, cos this song I've selected is really really nice.

Including lyrics would probably seem distracting, so this is just an instrumental version of Gary Barlow's "Forever Love". Enjoy!

And if you feel energetic, you can karoake along to the song too!!

lufCYC left this memory at 11:02 PM

1 serendipity

Thursday, October 19, 2006

So what makes an Acsian special?

lufCYC left this memory at 8:47 PM

0 serendipity

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Now that the fun part is over, here comes the inevitable post-mortem. With Sweden outa way, the Eat-A-Lot-But-Dun-Get-Fat group has to come together to prepare a report of our experiences in Stockholm, and what we've learnt from the trip. It might seem an easy task, but for us, it involves going down to City Hall at 1pm on a Sunday afternoon, and coming up with creative comic strips depicting our Swedish adventures.

Mei Yan has conveniently put our lunch gang together into Group 1, thus making life easier for the 9 of us. For those unfamiliar, this lunch gang comprises predominantly IMCB people who "eat a lot but don't get fat". Doesn't our name sound so cool? But don't get mistaken: we don't exclude anyone from this lunch group. It's just a convenience that all of us happen to be skinny lah.

So aniway, instead of preparing a conventional 2-page report boringly detailing everything that happened in Sweden, and possible improvements for future such study trips, we've decided to use our photos, and compile everything in chronological fashion into a comic story. So in short, with those cartoony bubbles which come out from someone's mouth, we're gonna come up with a picture slideshow of our Swedish story. Isn't this "eat so much" group so creative? For starters, we could have a picture of KI kicking things off, and then a bubble that reads "I'm so sexy, check me out" -- the phrase which encapsulated our group best during the trip. Dat's all that's gonna be said about this.

Since we're onto cartoons, here's a rather old one which I happened to chance upon.

This past week, we received this email titled "ATTENDANCE IS COMPULSORY" .... again. So this time, we had to attend this symposium, which is 95% engineering-focused, so why involve us rite? Aniway, we were all there for registration.

lufCYC left this memory at 5:27 PM

0 serendipity

Saturday, October 07, 2006

So, now back in Singapore .... I guess I should upload some pics from Stockholm. If my memory holds true, I think this is gonna be the 1st set of pics I've put up for months now. So aniway, here goes.

Our primary purpose there is of course to get to know more about KI, and the various post-grad programs on offer.

Here are all 28 of us ... I hope. If you can't sleep at night, you can probably print out this picture, and start counting 1-28 over and over again.

Besides visiting KI, we also got to attend the announcement of this year's Nobel Prize for Physiology & Medicine. Here's the packed auditorium where it all happened.

For those of you who are more scenery rather than people orientated, here are several postcard-quality pics of Stockholm. I think I shall not describe each of them, since that takes work and words, and I guess the pics are pretty self-explanatory.

Here are some notable Swedish quotes for those quotedians out there.

For guys: "I'm too sexy, check me out!"

For girls:"Drink me like you want me!"

'Nuff said.

lufCYC left this memory at 9:30 PM

0 serendipity

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Leeds United vs Birmingham Highlights 23/09

lufCYC left this memory at 2:48 PM

0 serendipity


Name: Yongchun
Location: Singapore/Chicago
Birthday: 21 December 1982



October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007


Adela * Adrian * Aiko * Alex * Amanda * Andrew * Andy * Audrey * Brian * Chenghua * Chen Xi * Dazhou * Germaine * Hanxue * Helena * Jennie * Jiahui * Joel * John * Konrad * Leeds United * Lijun * Lip Jin * Loy * Lu * Michelle * Mingzhu * Serene * Weiyi * Weiyu * Xiaodong * Yanxiang *

Coolest School

Leeds United Update

Leeds United
Championship Scores
LEEDS UNITED 1 (Cresswell)
Luton Town 0
