I've been back in Singapore for more than a month now, and although I am glad to be back, I understand why life back home is always more mundane and boring than life overseas. Not that I am complaining .... no need to eat self-cooked "food", no need to pay monthly rent and charges, no extreme bitter cold weather, and a lot of other "no" stuff ... the list goes on. So I suppose now's a good moment to recount some stuff I've done since I come back ... stuff which I suppose I could call exciting, stuff which I never got the chance to do in the Chicago that often.
1) I've only managed to make it to 1 lunch appointment on time since I started work. Today was another prime example ... an hr late, but I suppose better late than never rite? Yes, Leeds is slowly getting back to the top. And mind you, it's not like I walk slowly, or deliberately chat online till I lose the notion of time. Yes, I am busy at work. I suppose this contradicts what Kim said the last time I was late for dinner: "Yong Chun is late ... but aiya, he cannot be at work lah. Dunno where he is?"
2) People have commented my singing has progressed from Division 3 standard to mid-Divison 1. Yea, this is roughly where Leeds are right now. I think my singing talent is still latent .... like an unpolished diamond, like Man Utd's finances, like Moses Lim's tummy -- just waiting to explode! Next time, prepared to be awe-struck by a Champion's League-quality voice ... I just need the right songs.
3) I have been faithfully sitting by the radio late at night this week, hoping to win a pair of tickets to watch Wilber Pan's mini-concert next week. I still remember the first concert I went to was Wilber's Double Play concert in Singapore ..... I know girls go watch to see him, but hey, I go to listen to him. If I wanna see him, I might as well go look at a mirror rite?
4) After years of watching the NDP, I am still fascinated and enthralled by the performance. I absolutely loved the march-past and military drills, and the Red Lion parachuters. And this year's song sounds pretty catchy too .... and the singer sounds pretty catchable too! But the show segment -- the dancing and performances -- was a bore. Maybe introducing Mark Lee to emcee that segment could have injected some much needed vibrance and excitement. But, this is our last NDP at the National Stadium .... I still remember my involvement in 2001, while with 46 SAR in the army. Back then they did not have the SMS ticketing system, so it was still the heng sui queue up to collect tickets system. My company was in charge of ticket distribution at Geylang Badminton Hall .... not only did I supervise my men distributing tickets, but I was also involved in crowd control. And some woman made this experience all the more memorable: "Eh how come you all like that ah? I queue up so long still cannot get tickets!" Being in my army uniform, I could only reply "Sorry ma'am, but there were many more people b4 you ... and the tickets have all been given out". If only I were in civilian clothes, my reply would have been closer to this: "KNN, you cannot get tickets my problem ah. You come so late, then cannot get tickets, now blame me. Wah lao .... next time come earlier and shut up now lah." But I couldn't. Then on 9 August itself, we were doing funpack distribution to everyone who passed through the gates. Yes .... this was the only NDP I have been involved in, but that's good enough.
5) I wanna go watch the fireworks this Saturday at Marina .... I heard it's being put up by some Italian team. Hopefully, the Italian soccer team can go up and out together with the fireworks ... serves them right for defeating Germany at the WC. Trying to round up some of my JC class people ... but response has been slow .... some thing's never change.
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