"Thanks for coming down for the re-read. I'm pleased to inform you that we are offering you the role of Towkay Neo in the musical Beauty World."And so the path toward being part of the biggest show on campus this academic year begins. Acting workshops will be starting soon, but not too soon I hope ... I still wanna be able to have dinner at home, still wanna watch Raw on Monday nights, and the Chicago Bulls whenever they play, and I still wanna be able to chat at night. But ah, sadly these nightly activities will have to stop soon, once I commit myself to Beauty World. To the director who might be reading this, dun worry, Yongchun will be very professional. He has already promised to take on the role of Towkay Neo, and he will do his very best, bring the character to life, and help the non-Singaporeans (eg Koreans) who find it hard to come to grips with the Singlish in the script. Yongchun is very good one. Remember what Chloe said last year after watching my performance? "I feel like crying after watching you perform ..." The highest compliment of my acting so far ..... I must say my portrayal of the Jewish tailor, who due to cultural reasons forced upon him, and thus unable to marry the girl he likes, was really touching .... But I can't seem to recall the name of that play tho, so much for being so into it.
Fall Formal's next week, I think, and this year, it's gonna be held at Navy Pier. Last year it was at Soldier's Field, and it was pretty boring to say the least. Wasted one whole Friday night there wasting my time. For those who dun know, Formal's like the prom night here in Chicago. Should I go this year again? Dun feel like it leh, got an inkling that Navy Pier's gonna be much worse. Why dun they hold the Formal in NYC????
would you fly to NYC for formal?
dun go lah, go to the cruise. that one sounds more funky.
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